Some Linux systems have encounter PMA authentication error while they try to connect with SSH. Since the solution isn't very obvious from the internet I decided to create this post.
Make sure you have open the SSH port on your router (port 22). If that's closed then proceeding in the next steps is just a waste of time so make sure it's open.
On the configuration file of ssh (usually /etc/ssh/sshd_conf) you should uncomment the "Password Authentication" and make sure it's on YES.
If you want to enable root SSH connection (which can compromise your Linux security) you should also uncomment the "PermitRootLogin" and make sure it's on YES.
These will solves most of your problems with your SSH connection.
Make sure you have open the SSH port on your router (port 22). If that's closed then proceeding in the next steps is just a waste of time so make sure it's open.
On the configuration file of ssh (usually /etc/ssh/sshd_conf) you should uncomment the "Password Authentication" and make sure it's on YES.
If you want to enable root SSH connection (which can compromise your Linux security) you should also uncomment the "PermitRootLogin" and make sure it's on YES.
These will solves most of your problems with your SSH connection.